An illustrative example of the exposure scenarios to be annexed to the safety data sheet.
European Chemicals Agency, ECHA, June 2017
ECHA publishes an illustrative example of exposure scenarios for communication in the supply chain. In the publication, the sections of an exposure scenario (ES) and content for different uses are illustrated to help industry generate clear and useful information for downstream users. The Agency has published an illustrative example of exposure scenarios for a hypothetical hazardous substance to be annexed to a safety data sheet. The main objective of the publication is to promote ways of efficiently communicating on the safe use of chemicals down the supply chain.
The new publication is organised in three parts. In part one, there is an overview of the format for the ESs to be annexed to the safety data sheet, advice regarding the selection of standard phrases and how this was done in the illustrative example. It also includes general points to consider when preparing such exposure scenarios. The illustrative example of exposure scenarios is contained in the second part of the publication, which also explains how to extract information from a chemical safety report and how to report it in the ES. Part three of the publication contains the Chesar 2.3 file from which the exposure scenarios have been generated.
Gives an overview of the format for the exposure scenario (ES) to be annexed to the safety data sheet (SDS), advice regarding the selection of standard phrases and how this was done in the illustrative example. It also includes general points to consider when preparing such exposure scenarios.
Is an illustrative example of an exposure scenario (ES) to be annexed to the safety data sheet (SDS). It exemplifies how the information contained in the exposure scenarios developed for a chemical safety report can be extracted effectively and communicated in the ES annexed to SDS. This example is derived from the "Illustrative Example of a CSR" published on ECHA’s website for a hypothetical substance (the so-called "ECHA substance").
This file is the Chesar 3.2 file from which the exposure scenarios in the example have been generated. Chesar is ECHA's tool for generating a chemical safety assessment. The Chesar substance file was used to prepare both the illustrative example CSR and the exposure scenarios for communication.