List of economic activities – CHEREE target groups
Ελλάδα 1. aviation, marine and industrial chemicals 2. Αντικεραυνικά συστήματα 3. αποθήκευση και διάθεση ενέργειας, ανάπτυξη, παραγωγή και διάθεση συσσωρευτών για βιομηχανικές, προηγμένες και ειδικές εφαρμογές 4. απορρυπαντικά και καλλυντικά, αρώματα, προϊόντα προσωπικής φροντίδας και περιποίησης, προϊόντα οικιακής χρήσης, προϊόντα
LIFE CHEREE participation at MSE Conference, Fodele, 29-31 October 2019

LIFE CHEREE representatives participated at the Mediterranean Security Event 2019 held in Fodele, Heraklion, Crete, 29-31 October 2019. The conference was held at Fodele Beach & Water Park Holiday Resort. CHEREE representatives participated with 1 oral presentation, focusing on project
CHEREE PI & CoV, Larnaca, 24 October 2019

CHEREE PI (Pilot Inspection) and CoV (Common Visit) was held at the port of Vasilico, Larnaca, Cyprus. Inspection from Cypriot and Greek REACH/CLP and SEVESO inspectors was conducted by using CHEREE’s e-Inspection tool, available through CHEREE’s website.
CHEREE General Leaflet (english version)

LIFE CHEREE general informative leaflet has been developed to disseminate the project’s objectives, actions and expected results. CHEREE 1st leaflet (english version) pg1 CHEREE 1st leaflet (english version) pg2
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Plastic and Rubber Products and Safety Flooring Mats

REACH Regulation Restriction on the consumer products containing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) – Information leaflet (distributed from the Department of Labour Inspection of the Cypriot Republic)
CLP software manual
LIFE CHEREE project supports CLP inspectors by providing a regularly updated database with 8000 dangerous substances and an approved software for CLP inspectors. The e-services assist in evaluating the completeness, accuracy and validity of the appropriate checks for the classification,
Awareness Raising Workshop on “Contribution of the General Chemical State Laboratory to the compliance with the European Legislation of Chemical Products through Electronic Applications of the European Program LIFE CHEREE “
The Awareness Raising Workshop on “Contribution of the General Chemical State Laboratory to the compliance with the European Legislation of Chemical Products through Electronic Applications of the European Program LIFE CHEREE ” , was organized on the occasion of the
CHEREE 3rd REACH/CLP ITC, Athens, 18-19 April 2019
CHEREE 3rd Inspectors Training Course took place in April in collaboration with the General Chemical State Laboratory of Greece (Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products). More than 50 Greek Chemical Inspectors and Labour Inspection Officers from Greece and Cyprus
CHEREE 4th CoV, Korinthos, 17 April 2019
CHEREE 4th CoV (Common Visit) was held at Korinthos, Greece. Inspection from Cypriot and Greek REACH inspectors was conducted by using CHEREE’s e-Inspection tool, available through CHEREE’s website.