The training seminar for new inspectors REACH / CLP was held by teleconference on February 4th, 2021. The event was attended by new executives of the Chemical Agency of Crete who had not been trained in the training activities of
Awareness Raising Workshop for duty holders: “Legislative requirements for chemical products and biocides as related to COVID”

The web-Conference on 4th of December is organized by Department of Labour Inspection (Republic of Cyprus) and co-organized by Department of Agriculture (Republic of Cyprus) and Technical University of Crete (Greece). The web-Conference is supported by the european project LIFE
TRAINING SEMINAR OF INSPECTORS for the SEVESO III Directive on: “SEVESO III Directive: Control and Management of Large-Scale Accidents related to Dangerous Substances. The Legislative Framework for the implementation in Cyprus (and Greece) and the Risk of SEVESO Facilities”
The Training seminar was held by video conference on the 16th of July, 2020 (1st part) and on the 30th of October, 2020 (2nd part). It is part of the Training Actions of CHEREE program and focused on the training
Dissemination of LIFE CHEREE project at the 38th Refineries Conference, 21-22 November 2019
The 38th Refineries Conference in Elefsina, Greece, was held on 21-22 November 2019. CHEREE representative (TUC) disseminated the scope, objectives and actions of LIFE CHEREE. Special reference was made on the functions and utilities of REACH e-Inspection tool. Agenda CHEREE presentation
LIFE CHEREE participation at ELINYAE Conference, Athens, 18-19 November 2019

LIFE CHEREE representatives participated at the 2nd Conference on Occupational Health and Safety held in Athens, 18-19 November 2019. The conference was held at Megaron – the Athens International Conference Centre. CHEREE representatives participated with 2 e-posters and 1 oral
LIFE CHEREE participation at MSE Conference, Fodele, 29-31 October 2019

LIFE CHEREE representatives participated at the Mediterranean Security Event 2019 held in Fodele, Heraklion, Crete, 29-31 October 2019. The conference was held at Fodele Beach & Water Park Holiday Resort. CHEREE representatives participated with 1 oral presentation, focusing on project
CHEREE PI & CoV, Larnaca, 24 October 2019

CHEREE PI (Pilot Inspection) and CoV (Common Visit) was held at the port of Vasilico, Larnaca, Cyprus. Inspection from Cypriot and Greek REACH/CLP and SEVESO inspectors was conducted by using CHEREE’s e-Inspection tool, available through CHEREE’s website.
Awareness Raising Workshop on “Contribution of the General Chemical State Laboratory to the compliance with the European Legislation of Chemical Products through Electronic Applications of the European Program LIFE CHEREE “
The Awareness Raising Workshop on “Contribution of the General Chemical State Laboratory to the compliance with the European Legislation of Chemical Products through Electronic Applications of the European Program LIFE CHEREE ” , was organized on the occasion of the
CHEREE 3rd REACH/CLP ITC, Athens, 18-19 April 2019
CHEREE 3rd Inspectors Training Course took place in April in collaboration with the General Chemical State Laboratory of Greece (Directorate of Energy, Industrial and Chemical Products). More than 50 Greek Chemical Inspectors and Labour Inspection Officers from Greece and Cyprus
CHEREE 4th CoV, Korinthos, 17 April 2019
CHEREE 4th CoV (Common Visit) was held at Korinthos, Greece. Inspection from Cypriot and Greek REACH inspectors was conducted by using CHEREE’s e-Inspection tool, available through CHEREE’s website.