For Chemicals Legislation please refer to ECHA
EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF)
EUCLEF gives you an overview of the European Union’s legislation on chemicals. You can search for information on your substances, find applicable laws and check what obligations you may have.
For each piece of legislation, you can find a summary of all the relevant information, including the scope, obligations, exemptions, regulatory activities and lists of impacted substances, together with links to the full legal texts in all EU languages.
EUCLEF is funded by the EU Programme for Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME).
The 5 pieces of legislation in ECHA’s remit (REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC and POPs) are automatically included in EUCLEF; details of the lists relating to these can be found on the Information on chemicals page.
The other pieces of legislation covered by EUCLEF are listed, by category.
Video tutorial: Navigating EUCLEF
For Health and Safety Legislation in UK please refer to HSE health and safety legislation finder
How to trace legislation – HSE
The “PROTEAS Legislation Search Engine” includes past Laws and Ministerial Decrees in Greece in relation to ADR/RID/REACH/CLP/ IMDG and SEVESO legislation (available only in Greek version)