The e-platform and databank of BATs and Best Practices on Safe Transport and Loading/Unloading( functions for individual chemicals and groups of chemicals belonging to a common hazard class and is available in Greek and English.


The guidelines include good practices and safety and environmental information for the safe transport, handling and management of hazardous chemicals. The guidelines are  categorized into the following main aspects:

  • Emergency
  • HSE Legislative requirements
  • Manuals
  • Labelling
  • Documents (accompanying)
  • Protective equipment
  • Inspections/checks
  • Safety data sheets (generalized)
  • Safety management systems

By selecting NAME OF MATERIAL the user can select a dangerous substance among 1500 individual chemicals from the substance data base.

By selecting TRANSPORTATION MODE the user can select a Transport mode amongfour types of transport from the transport mode data base.

By selecting LIFE CYCLE STAGE the user can select either Transportation mode or other stage such as Loading/Unloadingor Distributionor Temporary Storage or End Useramong six (6)  transportation stages in the data base.

By selecting CLASS the user can select a common hazard class for the transported dangerous substance amongnine (9) classes of dangerous substances in the data base. If a dangerous substance has been chosen the relevant hazard CLASS(s) specific to the particular substance are automatically indicated. 

By selecting SUBSTANCE GROUP the user can select a substance group (e.g. flammable gases, toxic , etc) for the transported dangerous substance amongforty six (46) groups of dangerous substances in the data base. If a dangerous substance has been chosen the relevant substance group(s) specific to the particular substance is automatically indicated. 

By selecting HIN (ADR Hazard Identification Number) the user can select a HIN (e.g. 22 for Refrigerated liquefied gas, asphyxiant, etc) for the transported dangerous substance amongall HIN in the data base. If a dangerous substance has been chosen the relevant HIN specific to the particular substance is automatically indicated.